What is Infinite Scroll?
Infinite Scroll Is…
An honest investigation of our identities and obsessive behaviors on the internet.
Infinite scroll is a series of works that live in multiple realms object and image, web bases, and "real life."
Infinite Scroll is a place for connection. A place for confession.
A lot of this work is collage and replication of images. When we scroll our eyes are hungry, they need to find the next image, the moment of recognition whether it’s a favorite pop culture figure, a meme where the references are understood, anything you like that you need to see more of. Each new image is a hit of dopamine to the brain. Each new thing you see gives you a feeling of discovery and connection, why wouldn’t you keep scrolling to find more?
Admiring/worshiping/obsessing over someone's beauty is a secret wish to capture it for yourself. I keep scrolling because I want to know if there is an amount of beauty, wealth, and fame, a person can have that will make them feel whole/perfect/ untouchable. Is there an amount of beauty you can have that saves you from the pain of feeling less then?
Of course I know the answer. But I keep scrolling. Hoping to find a different one. With each scroll I feel worse about myself, because everyone is only posting the brightest, most beautiful version of themselves.
big deal
I’m sure this happens in every field, but it’s hard to be at an academic event, art opening, or any gathering of professionals and creatives without talking about something or someone or some opportunity as being A BIG DEAL. It’s a big deal. That’s a big deal. He's a big deal. We are all walking around trying to prove what big deals we are. And I’m personally exhausted. I want a little break. it’s the same thing online, only what we project is very editable.
Bad Days
Some things, most things aren't a big deal. I want to know more about bad days, not big deals. break it up a little especially on the internet. Show me your bad day. It’s more interesting and it’s more true.